COLiseum International Film FEstival

Remember to send the email with attachments to the duly completed and signed release file of the work and the poster of the work to


Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and the former articles. 13-14 EU Reg. 2016/679, the personal data concerning you will be processed by APS Pianeta Empatia for the performance of the contract and will not be communicated to third parties. The data may be used to inform the activities of APS Pianeta Empatia.

In relation to the data provided, you may exercise the rights referred to in the art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003: confirmation of the existence of the data, origin, purpose, updating, cancellation, right of opposition.

To exercise these rights you must contact the Personal Data Processor, at APS Pianeta Empatia - Via Alessio Olivieri 123 I/D - 00124 – ROMA (RM) - Italy.

The data controller is APS Pianeta Empatia.

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